Sakya Hospital
Care For All
Sakya Center already has a small dispensary run by a permanent medical assistant
and visited by a local doctor from the town twice a week. The clinic provides
first aid medication and treats minor ailments. However, for all serious
illnesses and pathology reports prescribed by the doctor, monks have to go to
town which is not only time consuming but also very expensive, especially incase
of inpatients admission and hospital bed charges. The annual expenditure of the
Center on the medical care provided to its members is enormous.
overcome this problem, the Center had decided to build its own small hospital.
The hospital will have wards for inpatients, a dispensary and the necessary
laboratory equipment and facilities for basic pathological tests. Besides
providing treatment to the residents of the Center, it will also try to cater to
the needs of the local people irrespective of religion, nationality, caste, etc.
project was started thanks to the kind benevolence of Mr. Clemente Del Ponte of
Switzerland who funded both the purchase and the building of the hospital. The
work began last year and the building is almost in its final stages.
Although the main construction work is complete, all the medical
equipment for the hospital and necessary furniture such as beds and tables are
still required. Also needed are a doctor, nurses and other hospital staff who
will provide care and service to the sick and ill.
hospital is not only for the benefit of Sakya Center members but also for the
members of other Sakya monastic schools and the general public including both
Indian and Tibetans. Any material or financial help towards this project is most
welcome and may be directed to The Director, Sakya Center, 187 Rajpur Road,
Dehradun, U. P. India.