Sakya College

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During the initial years, when the College functioned in Mussoorie, the academic activities progressed excellently under the able guidance of Khenpo Appey Rinpoche. However, there were problems due to the uncertainty and poor conditions of accommodation. It was then felt that the College should have its own premises.

The late Dr. Leo Pruden of Los Angeles, USA, promised to provide funds to buy a house. Many sites were visited in Mussoorie in search of a proper house, but nothing siuitable was found because of very high prices and lack of atmosphere conducive to monastic education.

A year later, while searching in every direction of Dehra Dun for a suitable site, the search finally ended at Kuthal Gate and the present site was acquired. In 1978, the College was fortunate enough to purchase the beautiful site overlooking the Doon Valley on the road to Mussoorie.

Again, the late Dr. Pruden sponsored the initial funds for construction. In early 1979, H. H. Sakya Trizin and the District Magistrate of Dehra Dun jointly laid the foundation stone of the College building. Additional major funds were provided by Mr. Lee of Kuala Lumpur and Mr. Joseph Ling of Kuching, Malaysia.

In late 1980, when the first stage of building construction was nearly completed, the College moved into this, its present campus, which is situated 12 kms from Dehradun and 18 from Mussoorie. Classes were held in some of the bigger rooms for sometime. In 1985 the second stage of construction ended which included the main temple, the library and additional classrooms.

All the students at the time contributed much of the physical labor for the construction work and some of the gifted students with artistic skill helped a lot in carving and painting the traditional designs on the building. In 1990, again work began on the construction of the second floor of more living quarters for the students and was completed in early 1992.

It is a matter of great pride for the College that the entire building plan and the architectural designs were created by none other than Khenpo Appey Rinpoche himself. No modern engineer or architect was taken into service.

The college is again embarking on a new project of building hostels for the increasing numbers of students who are seeking admission.  Many students are unable to be accepted due to shortage of living quarters. The work has already begun and any helping is most welcome and may be directed toward the College Principal.